Naval Kindergarten, Karanja

General Rules

  • Turn out of the students to school must be smart and neat with trimmed hair and nails, pressed uniform and well-polished shoes.
  • No pupil is to be send to school in case he or she is suffering from a contagious disease.
  • Any pupil desiring to be exempted from games has to produce a doctor's certificate.
  • Parents are to intimate the office and class teacher regarding change of address, telephone number or rank of a defence personnel.
  • Parents have to apply in the prescribed format for transfer certificate one month in advance.
  • Railway concession forms can be collected from the school office 60 days prior to the date of journey. Kindly read the form and fill it.
  • Parents can enter the school premises only with proper identity. Parents are to enter their details in the visitor's register.
  • In case of emergency, students can leave the school early with the permission of the school authorities and with a note in the diary from the parent.
  • Students must conduct themselves properly during educational visits and outings.
  • School ID card is mandatory and students will not be permitted to board school transport/attend classes without it.


  • Daily attendance mandatory. Minimum requirement of attendance in an academic year is 75%.
  • Leave of absence to be given on prior application. Under unavoidable circumstances a valid leave note is mandatory.
  • Absence without permission for more than 7 days by a student will result in re-admission and fresh admission fees.
  • Students must apply through ENTAB for leave during online classes.

Bus Rules

  • Stand in queue to get onto the bus. Do not push other pupils.
  • Show respect to the drivers and attendants of the bus.
  • Do not walk, shout, talk loudly or play in the moving bus.
  • Do not fight/ argue with other pupils.
  • Do not litter or throw any article inside or outside the bus.
  • Do not keep your bags in the aisle or walking space.
  • English is the campus language and students are expected to use the same in the school bus too.


  • School has a Grievance Redressal Committee to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all stakeholders and to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere.
  • In order to provide timely relief to the aggrieved, suggestion boxes are kept in the school corridors.


  • Books will be issued on requirement basis.
  • Two books can be issued at a time.
  • Books to be returned within one week from the date of issue. If required, reissued.
  • Students who check out a book are responsible for that book until that is returned.
  • Reference books are not available for issue. These books should be consulted only in the library.
  • Please report any loss or damage of books to the Librarian immediately.
  • In case of loss of book, it must be replaced.
  • Students are refrained from bringing electronic gadgets to the School Library.
  • Personal belongings such as books, bags etc are not permitted inside the library.