Naval Kindergarten, Karanja

1.Payment of Fees

  • Fees shall be collected on quarterly basis as per the schedule given in the table below. Fees must be paid by the due dates as promulgated from 5th to 15th of the fee months in four instalments tabulated below.
  • Installment of Fee Period Of Fee Period Of Fee Month Last Date of Fee Payment
    l April-June April 15 April
    ll Jul-Sept Jul 15 Jul
    lll Oct-Dec Oct 15 Oct
    lV Jan-Mar Jan 15 Jan
  • Fees will be collected online or by cheque drawn in favour of "NKG KARANJA". The student's name, parent /guardian's name, class and section and telephone number should be written on the reverse of cheque.
  • In case, any cheque is returned from the bank due to any reason, a penalty on actuals as charged by bank will be levied on the parent.
  • Outstation cheques will not be accepted. If it is an emergency, charges will be applied extra.
  • New admission students are requested to pay the fees as per the fee structure promulgated by KGMC.
  • Fees are payable for all 12 months of the year irrespective of the vacation period.
  • Yearly fees will not be collected.

2. Non-Payment of Fees

  • Late Fee. As per rules if fees are not paid by stipulated time, the following action would be taken by the school:-
  •         (i) Upto 15th of the fee month- No late fee
            (ii) 16th day of the fee month onwards -Late fee Rs 5/- per day
            (iii) After two months- Re-admission
  • If the fee is not paid within two months, name of the child will be struck off from the rolls of school and the child will be treated as fresh entrant and admission fee as well as tuition fee from the month last paid will be charged. Re- admission will be made subject to clearance of all dues and availability of seat

3. Withdrawal

  • One month notice in writing must be given by a parent who wishes to withdraw his child from the school , failing which one month tuition fee will be charged in lieu of notice. Transfer Certificate will be issued only after all the school dues have been cleared.
  • Tuition fees will not be adjusted against the refundable caution deposit at the time of withdrawal.
  • The notice period may be waived off by the officer - in- charge of the school in case such notice is not feasible due to service exigencies.

4.Refund of Fees

  • Request for refund of Tuition Fees should be made before 30 days of child leaving the school. Tuition Fee will be refunded only for the remaining months in the academic year.
  • All fees other than admission fees and PTA fee is refundable at the time of leaving the school on a pro - rata basis.
  • If the school books and uniform are issued to the student, then the cost of these items is not refundable.

5.Refundable Caution Deposit

  • Caution Deposit will be charged from all the students at the time of admission only.
  • Refund of Caution Deposit will be made only on production of deposit receipt. In case Caution Deposit receipt is lost, an amount of Rs 100/- will be charged from the concerned parent for the issue of duplicate Caution Deposit receipt.
  • Caution Deposit should be claimed within six months from the date of withdrawal of the child and without any interest.